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NeoGraft® in Pittsburgh, PA

Hair loss can take a serious toll on your confidence and self-esteem and make you appear much older than you feel.

In Pittsburgh NeoGraft hair restoration surgery is a fast, simple, and effective way to reclaim a full, youthful head of hair.

Excited to learn more about this advanced hair loss treatment?

Less Invasive Hair Restoration

NeoGraft is a new technology that automates the follicular unit extraction (FUE) procedure and often leads to superior results with fast recovery times.

If you have noticed thinning hair and would like to learn more about how NeoGraft can transform your hairline and boost your self-esteem, please contact our office and make an appointment.*

The NeoGraft Hair Restoration Procedure

NeoGraft is an automated technology that improves upon the FUE method of hair restoration. IN FUE treatments, individual follicular units consisting of one to four hairs are harvested from a donor area, typically at the back of the head, and transplanted to the treatment area to create a natural-looking hairline. FUE has shown to be very effective in treating hair loss, but because the follicular units are harvested individually, treatment can be extremely time-consuming and very costly.

The FDA-approved NeoGraft system improves upon FUE treatment by automating the entire surgery, from harvesting to placement. This new, more efficient procedure allows Dr. Hurwitz to transplant many more hair grafts per session, which can save the patient time and money. NeoGraft uses a specialized technology that targets the individual follicular units, removes them, and quickly places them in the treatment area, all with great precision. This comparatively fast, precise process also yields high success rates because there is a reduced chance of the units becoming damaged.*

NeoGraft Candidacy

When receiving NeoGraft Pittsburgh candidates should have realistic expectations. It is important to understand that any hair restoration treatment is going to require time as well as patience. After the follicular units have been placed in the treatment area, the hairs will remain for approximately two to three weeks before shedding to create room for the new hair growth, which will begin about three to four months after your procedure.

Candidates should have a stabilized state of hair loss - that is, the patient should no longer be shedding a significant amount of hair. Continuing hair loss after the procedure may require additional treatments to create the desired appearance, so it is best to wait until the hairline is stable. During your initial consultation, we will perform an evaluation to determine the probability of future hair loss. He will carefully explain all of the steps involved with the procedure, and give you pre- and post-operative instructions. Surgery typically takes all day, from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., and patients should arrange for a friend or loved one to transport them home after the procedure. You can also expect to undergo follow-up examinations after 48 hours, one week, two weeks, and one month. We have also found that LaserCap treatment after a NeoGraft procedure can help protect against future hair loss, and commonly recommends this technique to our patients. During your consultation, we will determine a pricing and payment plan, and schedule your procedure.*

Why Choose NeoGraft?

Follicular unit transplantation (FUT), another popular type of hair restoration, requires removing a strip of the scalp from the donor areas in order to extract an adequate amount of healthy hair follicles. This method involves scalpels, sutures and significant downtime following the procedure to rest and recover. The NeoGraft system can transplant more follicular units without requiring an extended recovery period. Most patients are able to return to their normal routines immediately following their procedure.

Because the NeoGraft system extracts follicular units through tiny incisions that are created with great precision, it further minimizes the risk of damage to the surrounding tissue and infection. Although patients may experience some pain, swelling, redness, and bleeding in both the donor and treatment sites, the system typically results in fewer noticeable side effects than other methods of hair restoration.

NeoGraft 's automated technology has been shown to consistently achieve higher success rates than traditional FUE. Because the individual follicular units are targeted, extracted, and placed in the treatment area relatively quickly, there is a lessened risk the hair grafts will become damaged. The NeoGraft procedure also has the ability to transfer more follicular units in a shorter amount of time, meaning we can treat patients with moderate to severe hair loss in just one session. Other restorative methods can require multiple eight-hour "mega sessions."*

Weighing Your Treatment Cost

Hair restoration procedures are typically priced per graft. Since patients suffer from varying degrees of hair loss, it is difficult to determine an individualized treatment cost without first undergoing consultation. Although NeoGraft® treatment is generally more expensive than other restorative options, it typically requires fewer sessions than traditional FUE or FUT. Hair transplanted with the NeoGraft® system is also typically more resilient than other hair restoration methods, so there are typically fewer maintenance and touch-up treatments needed after the initial procedure. This can lead to cost savings over time and make the total price of NeoGraft® treatment comparable to other restorative methods.*

Financing Your Hair Restoration

Because hair restoration is usually considered a cosmetic procedure, insurance plans do not cover NeoGraft® or any other treatment. In an effort to make all of our procedures more affordable and give patients greater flexibility in their payment options, we offer CareCredit℠ financing. This medical credit card can break up your treatment cost, making NeoGraft® treatment affordable on nearly any budget. Our front office staff will be happy to help guide you through the application process.

Achieve the Full Hairline You Desire

  • If you would like to learn more about restoring your hairline with the advanced NeoGraft treatment, including its benefits and costs, please contact our office to schedule a consultation.

Our state-of-the-art facility is equipped with the latest technology and amenities to ensure your comfort and privacy during your visit. We are located in the heart of Pittsburgh and serve patients from all over the world. When you are ready to take the next step, contact us to schedule your consultation with Dr. Davila or Dr. Hurwitz. We look forward to helping you achieve your goals of looking and feeling your best.

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